Fall is a time of considerable change—your annual planters should be no different! With summer blooms finishing up, your patio is begging for a double dose of decorative color. These annual plants are at their most vibrant during the brisk fall months.
Fall mums are the star of any fall planter—they simply capture the mood of pure autumn delight! Mums are beautiful enough to stand on their own, but they also look incredible when combined with several contrasting cultivars or mixed with other annuals. For the best blooms and a lush plant, make sure your mums have full sun for most of the day.

Also known as pot marigolds, these cute frost-tolerant annuals make an excellent, low-maintenance addition to your fall planters. Their highly-pigmented yellow petals were used centuries ago as a food dye, which speaks to just how bright they are! Plant in full or partial sun for best results.
Ornamental Kale
While technically edible, the most attractive feature of this beautiful planter-ready vegetable is its decorative rosettes of ruffled red, pink, purple, white, or green foliage. The colors and textures of ornamental kale contrast perfectly against warm-toned fall annuals and more delicate-looking plants like asters and pinks. Ornamental kale requires full sun for the best growth.

Ornamental Cabbage
Similar to ornamental kale, ornamental cabbage is available in colors like pink, red, white, and green. It features smooth or wavy foliage rather than the crinkly leaves of its kale counterpart. In planters, ornamental cabbage makes an ideal counterpart to fall annuals with a lot of fine textures, such as celosia. We recommend planting your cabbage in full sun.
Ornamental Peppers
The decorative fruits of ornamental peppers are gorgeous for fall! Peppers grow best in full sun; while you can technically eat ornamental peppers, their intense heat is not especially well-suited to culinary use. We recommend growing these for decorative purposes and using them as spectacular as centerpieces for outdoor dining tables once your plan!

Give your planters a wildflower look with charming annuals! Asters are beloved for their daisy-like flowers and fabulous violet color, which make for stunning contrast when paired with gold and orange-toned flowers. Asters require full sun for the best results.
Also known as Dianthus, it's hard not to smile at these unique-looking flowers as they peek out of your planters. We love the zig-zag edges of this classic cool-season annual, which comes in red, white, and—of course—pink! As adorable as they are, almost better than their appearance is their fragrance. Pinks' spicy-sweet, clove-like perfume is a perfect match for the warm scents and colors of the season. Pinks thrive in full sun to part shade.

The fiery, colorful plumes of celosia seem to set planters ablaze—in fact, the name "celosia" derives from the Greek word for "burning!" Their colors are so bright and intense that they have an almost otherworldly quality—plant in full sun to keep the flames burning! Better yet, they last all season long, keeping your pots and beds bathed in bright hues until frost.
The deeply pigmented, papery flower bracts of strawflower call to mind a profound sense of nostalgia, as generations of gardeners have loved and saved them for dried bouquets, bookmarks, scrapbooks, and countless other handmade decorations. So beautiful and yet so different from anything else in your garden, this irresistible annual will undoubtedly become a mainstay in your fall planters—plant in full sun for the best growth.
Visit us at Lehigh Valley Home & Garden Center in Allentown to find ideas for your decorative planters in Pennsylvania! Our team is happy to recommend gorgeous planters and additions to make your fall annuals extra special this season.